One Mile Record Broken

Until this past September I was riding the road bike 10 miles a day, weather permitting.

All of the medical professionals watching out for me were adamant that I do so but I just couldn’t maintain it through the dark days.

Feeling somewhat better now I decided to re-start bike riding, although I would be on training rollers in the basement and not out in the elements.

Gloves go on followed by clicking the trip computer to life, then I step up onto the bike and begin spinning.

Riding training rollers takes a good bit of getting used to after three years away but I did manage to settle into a nice cadence beginning what I expected to be ten miles of whirling roller noise ending forty-five minutes later.


I lasted exactly one mile. One.

Step down from the bike; turn off the trip computer and off come the gloves.

I am convinced if I don’t get back on the bike that I will sit down and never get up again for the rest of my life.

Today. Two miles.